机构地区: 中国-阿拉伯化肥有限公司河北秦皇岛066000
出 处: 《渤海大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第4期317-321,共5页
摘 要: 近年来,南瓜作为一种具有极高营养价值,食疗保健和防病治病的食品备受人们的亲睐.早在古代,名医李时珍在本草纲目中对南瓜的作用有如下记载"补中,补肝气,益心气,益肺气,益精气",凡久病气虚,脾胃虚弱,症见气短倦怠,食少腹胀,水肿尿少者宜用。近几年研究工作者又不断在南瓜中提取出了多糖,活性蛋白等成分,引起了人们的广泛关注。对南瓜的营养成分,药用成分以及近年来从南瓜中提取的新成分及其功能的研究进行了综述。 For recent years, as a nutritious, healthful and anti - disease food, pumpkin is very popular aming people, as was descrided in a famous ancient Chinese medicine bood by Li Shi - zhen. Recently, researchers have successfully extracted such components as polysaccharide and activated protein, resultying in a wode - spread attention. A review is made of pumpkin's nutritious components,medical component and other new components extracted from pumpkin.