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Cost Analysis of Crop Residue Supplies

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院

出  处: 《农业机械学报》 2011年第1期106-112,共7页

摘  要: 秸秆电厂原料供应包括田间收集、运输、装卸、预处理和储存子过程,本文在各子过程成本计算的基础上,把原料供应分成5种模式进行成本分析:中心料场直接收集散料模式、中心料场破碎收集模式、收储站破碎收集模式、收储站打包模式和成型颗粒模式。结果表明:成本从低到高依次为中心料场破碎收集模式、收储站破碎收集模式、收储站打包模式和成型颗粒模式。中心料场直接收集散料模式的成本则在到厂运输距离不长时最低,但受距离的影响也最大,当距离分别大于16、28和69 km时超过中心料场破碎收集模式、收储站破碎收集模式和收储站打包模式。成型颗粒模式关键在于降低制粒能耗。打包模式中打包处理降低的运输成本还不能很有效地补偿打包和装卸环节增加的成本。除成型颗粒外的其他4种模式,都是购买成本最高,然后是运输成本和田间收集装车成本。 upply cost of crop residues for power plants was analysed.The supply chain includes five sub-processes,i.e.field collection,transportation,handling,pretreatment and storage.Five supply patterns were set up based on the differences in sub-processes,including bulk material pattern,centralized-storage chopping pattern,distributed-storage chopping pattern,baling pattern and pelleting pattern.The results show that,under specific conditions,the cost of the pelleting pattern is always the highest due to its high pelleting cost,followed by the baling pattern,the distributed-storage chopping pattern,and the centralized-storage chopping pattern in sequence.The bulk material pattern takes priority over the other three patterns when transportation distance is smaller than 69km,28km and 16km respectively.The baling pattern needs improving since the cost reduction in transportation process can not effectively offset the cost increase in baling and handling processes.For all patterns except pelleting,purchase cost accounted for the largest proportion,followed by transportation cost and field collection cost.

关 键 词: 秸秆 供应模式 成本分析

领  域: [动力工程及工程热物理] [经济管理]




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