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Acoustic emission test of a rock under action of stress wave

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 嘉应学院物理与光信息科技学院

出  处: 《振动与冲击》 2011年第1期116-120,共5页

摘  要: 在霍普金森(SHPB)冲击系统上进行了应力波作用下岩石声发射实验,获得了该加载条件下岩石破裂的声发射规律。实验结果表明,应力波下,声发射峰值能量之前所出现的声发射信号相当匮乏;而且其能量规律呈现出两种明显不同的特征:Ⅰ型,声发射峰值能量之后,能量迅速衰减,到了加载的末期,能量出现了一定的回升,产生了"拐点";Ⅱ型,声发射峰值能量之后,能量衰减相对Ⅰ型较慢,且不出现"拐点"。研究结果表明,声发射的能量特征与岩石破碎的程度密切相关;冲击载荷作用下岩石的声发射不仅仅是裂纹信息的反映,其中也包含了对应力波信号的反映。 Experiments were made on a SHPB system and the AE law of a rock under action of stress wave was obtained. The experimental results showed that the AE signals are few before the peak of the energy occurs; and the AE energy presents two different features: (1) the energy decays rapidly after the peak of the energy occurs, however, the energy rises at the end of the loading and the "inflection point" appears; (2) the energy decays slowly after the peak energy occurs and the "inflection point"does not appear. The study results indicated that the AE energy features closely relate to the rock fragmentation levels ; the AE under action of stress wave not only reflects the information of cracks, but also that of stress wave signals.

关 键 词: 应力波 声发射 峰值能量 破碎

领  域: [矿业工程]




作者 范福军