机构地区: 阜阳师范学院生命科学学院
出 处: 《阜阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第4期66-69,共4页
摘 要: 骨骼标本在动物学教学中是作为教具使用,在动物学研究中是很重要的实物材料,要求骨块完整、洁白、不缺失。在制作骨骼尤其是头骨标本时,药剂浓度使用不当,就制不出符合要求的标本。为了解使用不同浓度药剂的效果,以便能制出好的标本,特设置使用不同浓度的NaOH和H2O2制作兔头骨骼标本的试验。结果表明,NaOH溶液浓度超过5.0%时,易使骨块破碎;低于1.2%时,腐蚀效果差且耗时;在其浓度为1.8~2.0%时,骨面筋膜易分离,处理较干净,整体效果最好。H2O2在浓度为3.0~5.0%的范围内漂白效果最好,超过10%,骨块易分离。 The skeleton specimen is important in scientific research and teaching of the zoology.In the process of making skeleton specimen,different concentration of medicament may produce different result.In this test,to make the cephalic skeleton specimen of rabbit,different concentrations of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxid are used.In the end,when the concentration of sodium hydroxide exceeds 5.0%,the bones are easy to crash;when the concentration is in the range of 1.8~2.0%,the result is the best;when the concentration is under 1.2%,the result is not only worse,but also waste time.In addition to bleach the skeleton,3.0~5.0% of concentration of hydrogen peroxid should be used,if the concentration exceeds 5.0%,the bones may be breakaway.
领 域: [生物学]