机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院遥感与地理信息工程系
出 处: 《地理信息世界》 2010年第6期51-55,61,共6页
摘 要: 目前公共服务平台建设逐渐成为城市规划和国土管理部门的工作重心。本文从整体思维的角度阐述了城市地理信息公共服务平台架构和平台的建设模式,随后着重讨论了基于数据安全的网络拓扑设计,最后通过增城市地理信息公共服务平台实例分析了基础地理数据动态更新、地图服务和权限管理等技术要点。 The main focus of the work in departments such as urban planning and land use administration has gradually transferred to the project of public service platform.This paper first elaborates on the structure of civil geo-spatial information service platform and the pattern of platform construction from the perspective of the overall thinking,and then lays emphasis on the design of network topology based on data security.Technical essentials such as dynamic updating of basic geographic data,map services and authority management are finally analyzed through the example of Zengcheng public service platform of geographic information.