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作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 国家林业局

出  处: 《核农学报》 2010年第6期1141-1147,共7页

摘  要: 为探讨刺槐种子航天搭载的生物学效应,利用‘实践8号’育种卫星搭载刺槐种子进行航天诱变处理,对诱变后的刺槐苗木进行了研究,分别从株高、地径、分枝数、节间距、针刺长度等生长性状以及叶绿素含量等方面分析航天诱变后的生物学效应。同时利用SSR标记技术进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明:刺槐航天诱变群体在2年生时,株高和地径分别较地面对照低22.0%和24.1%;3年生时分别较地面对照低13.1%和22.4%。诱变初期表现出的株高抑制作用随着生长逐渐减弱,而地径的抑制作用依旧存在,且刺槐旺枝针刺长度比地面对照缩短15.6%,主干针刺长度比地面对照缩短28.6%,方差分析显示,航天诱变群体和地面对照主干针刺长度之间的这种差异达极显著水平。航天诱变对叶绿素a含量几乎没有影响,但叶绿素总量和叶绿素b含量较地面对照分别降低18.7%和9.7%,差异达显著水平。航天诱变使叶绿素a与b的比值较地面对照增加25.6%,但差异未达显著水平。航天诱变增大了部分性状的变异系数。利用SSR分子标记未检测到航天诱变刺槐群体基因组的广泛变异。 Dry seeds of Robinia pseudoacacia were carried by Shijian No.8 breeding satellite for mutagenesis and the biological effect of space-induced mutation was studied.The parameters of Robinia pseudoacacia such as plant height,stem base,branch number,knot spacing,length of thorn and chlorophyll content were analyzed,and,at the same time,the genetic diversity was tested by SSR marker.The results showed that the plant height and stem base of 2-year-old seedlings which derived from space mutagenesis were 22.0% and 24.1% lower than those of control,and 3-year-old seedlings were 13.1% and 22.4% lower than those of control,respectively.While the inhibiting effect of plant height became undermined in the following growth years.However,the inhibiting effect in stem base existed all the time,the length of thorn of branch and stem were 15.6% and 28.6% shorter than the control,respectively.Compared with the control,the variation of the length of thorn from stem was extremely significant.The variation of chlorophyll a contentfrom space mutagenesis compared with control was not remarkable,while the total chlorophyll and chlorophyll b contentswere 18.7% and 9.7% lower than those of control,respectively,and the difference between space mutagenesis andcontrol was significant.While the chlorophyll a/b was 25.6% higher than that of control,but the difference was notsignificant.The coefficient of variation of the relative traits was increased by the space mutagenesis.The extensivelypopulation genome mutation after space-induction were not detected by SSR(Simple Sequence Repeats).

关 键 词: 航天诱变 刺槐 生物学效应

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 李颜合


机构 广东石油化工学院


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