机构地区: 北京交通大学
出 处: 《心理科学》 2010年第6期1506-1508,共3页
摘 要: 以北京市562名初一、初二年级的流动儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察流动儿童未来取向目标、计划和评价及学业卷入特点,探讨流动儿童未来取向的结构类型,以及不同类型流动儿童的学业卷入特点。结果表明,在受教育和职业领域均存在三类具有典型未来取向结构的流动儿童,即清晰型、模糊型和矛盾型。其中,教育清晰型/职业清晰型的流动儿童学业卷入水平最高。 The current research,using the questionnaire method,conducted a sample of 562 migrant the children,explored the characteristics of their future orientation types and relationships with their school engagement. The results indicated migrant children's future orientation in both educational and vocational domains could be divided in three types:clear type,blurry type,and inconsistent type. Among them,migrant children of the clear type in both educational and vocational domains had the highest scores on school engagement.