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Spatial features of producer services exportation:Based on the behavior of business services corporations in Guangzhou

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学经济学院特区港澳经济研究所

出  处: 《地理研究》 2010年第12期2166-2178,共13页

摘  要: 根据对企业的调查及访谈,从服务范围、服务流向以及服务强度三方面,以广州为例分析高等级中心地的生产性服务输出空间模式。总结出区别于传统服务业的生产性服务输出新特点:中心地的服务范围跳出了单个城市体系的区域,且并不完全遵循城市等级而扩散;服务流向不单从高等级城市流向低等级城市,更多的是在高等级城市之间流动;服务销量与客户量的空间分布不一致。基于企业行为的解释,提出服务经济时代下高等级中心城市生产性服务输出的几点启示:服务提供者与消费者之间的空间距离对生产性服务输出的影响较小,生产性服务输出的服务范围上限可以设定为服务提供者的影响力所能辐射的最远距离;高等级中心地的生产性服务的输出流向反映出城市参与全国乃至全球城市分工的职能与定位;在城市等级的分析中,服务强度应与服务范围同时作为判断中心地等级的指标;生产性服务输出的研究将有助于分析区域间的产业关联及区域联系。 The producer services exportation changes the traditional viewpoint that services can only sell within a limited area and can not make income for the local regions.Actually,no matter it is cross-country-border or not,the producer services exportation,which is called producer services trade,is an important item in the research of producer services.The central place theory discusses mainly about the exportation of traditional services industries,rather than the producer services which have developed rapidly in recent 50 years.The paper tries to answer two questions.Does the producer services exportation from the central city still follow the thought of central place theory? And what are the spatial features of the producer services exportation of the central city?According to the questionnaire and interviews to the producer services corporations in Guangzhou,one of the most developed cities for producer services in China,three features of producer services exportation which are different from the traditional services are identified:(1) The range of service for the central city is not limited in a single urban system region.And the exportation from the central city does not diffuse completely in terms of the urban hierarchy.(2) The direction of the exportation is not only from the high-level city to the low-level city,but also,even more,between the high-level cities.(3) The distributions of quantum for service selling and clients are inconsistent.Based on the interpretation of the corporations behavior,four deductions for the producer services exportation in the services economy era are put forward:(1) Spatial distance do not exert a great effect on the service producer,because the providers of producer services can travel for a long distance as long as the client can pay for the service.So the upper limit for the range of producer services exportation depends on the influence that the provider's power can reach.(2) The non-hierarchy-diffusion exportation model in Guangzhou,with the cha

关 键 词: 生产性服务 服务输出 中心地 企业行为

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 李冠霖
作者 楚恒体
作者 何薇
作者 罗一星
作者 黄敏捷


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东女子职业技术学院管理系
机构 广东省社会科学院


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇