机构地区: 广州市规划设计勘测研究院
出 处: 《规划师》 2010年第12期16-20,27,共6页
摘 要: 广州市荔湾区荔枝湾整治工程采取建筑抽疏、拆违建绿、恢复河涌、调水补水、文塔广场恢复整治、建筑立面整饰与景观塑造等措施,规划打造"诗意广州",重现"一弯江水绿,两岸荔枝红"的岭南水乡风貌。在项目执行过程中,因亚运会对市场的激活有限、城市更新中行为与制度间存在矛盾冲突等,导致规划目的与实施产生脱节现象,因此要在服务公益、服务亚运的目标下进行制度创新,有效实现城市更新的多元目标。 The Lychee Inlet renovation project adopted illegal buildings to provide new green space,dredged waterways,rebuilt Wenta square,and renovated street facades to reinvent the "green river,red lychee"landscape.Market forces played a limited role in the implementation process and there were conflicts between established institutions and the renovations.Institutional innovation is necessary to achieve better results.
领 域: [建筑科学]