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Composition and material origin of jade dress and jade coffin excavated from the mausoleum of the Chu King in Shizishan,Xuzhou

作  者: ; ; ; ; (李银德); (王黎琳);

机构地区: 上海博物馆

出  处: 《文物保护与考古科学》 2010年第4期54-63,共10页

摘  要: 为了解西汉玉器的组分特征及玉料来源,利用显微放大观察结合电子探针、红外光谱、拉曼光谱和LA-ICP-MS技术,对徐州狮子山西汉楚王陵出土的部分玉片(玉衣片和玉棺片)样品进行了检测分析。检测结果表明:1)显微放大观察发现:出土玉片样品均含石墨包裹体,不可能来自不含石墨包裹体的福建南平闪石玉和江苏溧阳小梅岭闪石玉。2)电子探针结果显示:出土玉片样品为透闪石;出土玉片样品的ω(FeO)/%范围为0.287~0.925,不可能来自富Fe的玛纳斯闪石玉及贫Fe的的青海闪石玉;ω(Al_2O_3)/%远远高于河南栾川软玉。3)红外光谱分析显示:出土玉片样品为透闪石,与电子探针结果相符;玉片样品的M-OH伸缩振动谱带位置集中在3674cm^(-1)附近,说明玉料Mg含量较高。4)拉曼光谱分析显示:出土玉片样品具有和透闪石矿物共同的特征拉曼谱峰,为透闪石质软玉,与电子探针及红外光谱结果相符。5)LA-ICP-MS分析显示:出土玉衣片样品的稀土元素质量分数及分馏情况与辽宁岫岩闪石玉、四川汶川龙溪闪石玉及河南栾川闪石玉有所不同;Cr、Ni、Co含量较低,指示玉料来自热液交代型镁质大理岩型软玉矿床;Sr含量较低,排除了来自江苏溧阳小梅岭闪石玉的可能。分析结果表明,徐州狮子山楚王陵出土玉器玉料来源主要和新疆和田地区玉料有关;新疆和田地区的闪石玉至西汉早期已覆盖到楚文化区域,并且成为宫廷玉料的主流来源。 To determine the composition and origin of material used for jade wares of the Western Han Dynasty, microscopy, EMPA, infrared spectrum, Laser Raman spectroscopy and LA - ICP - MS were used to analyze the jade dress and the jade coffin excavated from the mausoleum of the Chu King in the Shizishan of Xuzhou. 1 ) Microscopic research showed that all jade samples had graphite inclusions which meant they were not from Nanping, Fujian or Xiaomeiling, Liyang,Jiangsu, as jades from these sites have no graphite inclusions. 2 )EMPA suggested that all of the jade samples were tremolite,with values of ω( FeO)/% in the range,0. 287 to 0. 925. This means that the jade materials were not from Manasi,Hualian and Glumd. In addition,the values of ω(Al2O3 )/% of the jade samples was much bigger than that of jade from Luanchuan, Henan. 3 ) FFIR showed that all the jade samples were tremolite, which was consistent with the EMPA results. FTIR also showed that the jade samples had a high Mg content. 4) Raman spectroscopy showed that the jade samples and tremolite shared the same characteristic Raman spectra and could be desogmated as termolite type soft jade. The EMPA and FTIR results are consistent with each other. 5 ) LA - ICP - MS showed that the REE content of the jade samples and of the REE distribution are different from nephrite jade of Xiuyan, Liaoning and Wen chuan, Sichuan. The low Cr,Ni ,Co contents indicate that the jade materials come from a magnesium -calcite nephrite deposit, and the low Sr content indicates that the jade materials are not from Xi- aomeiling, Liyang,Jiangsu. Therefore,it can be deduced that the material of jade wares in the mausoleum of the Chu King may come from Hetian, Xinjiang, as nephrite jade materials had spread to the Chu culture area and had be- come the main source for court jade wares during early West Han Dynasty.

关 键 词: 狮子山 玉片 玉衣 玉棺 电子探针 红外光谱 拉曼光谱 玉料来源

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 陈兆镜
作者 朱铁权


机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人类学系
机构 中山大学


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
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作者 武小平