机构地区: 浙江师范大学教师教育学院
出 处: 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期88-92,共5页
摘 要: "五四"新文化运动前期,陈独秀对尊孔复古、戕害人性的教育要旨进行猛烈抨击,并提出德育、智育、体育、职业教育并举的教育方针思想;李大钊指斥"以孔道为修身之本"的"国民教育"违背民主和科学的精神,应代之以现代国民教育;毛泽东批判旧教育课程太重、摧残青少年,倡导德智体三育并重、促进学生身心平衡发展;蔡和森呼吁冲决"三纲五常"的教育罗网,促进学生的自由发展;蔡元培、钱玄同等人也主张废止旧教育,实施德智体美和世界观教育并举的新教育。他们所提出的反复古主义的教育方针思想,是研究近现代中国教育方针不可或缺的宝贵财富。 In the earlier period of May Fourth New Culture Movement,Chen Duxiu launched a fierce attack at the educational argument of venerating Confucianism,restoring ancient ways and harming humanity,and put forward the educational thoughts which attached equal importance to moral,intellectual,physical,and occupational education.Li Dazhao criticized that the "national education" which "took Confucianism as the basic way to cultivate the moral self" was against the spirit of democracy and science and should be replaced by modern national education.Mao Zedong criticized that the curriculum of the old education was too heavy,ruining young people,thus he proposed laying equal stress on moral,intellectual and physical education,and the balanced development of students' body and mind.Cai Hesen called for breaking the educational fetters of "the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues" and promoting students' free development.Cai Yuanpei,Qian Xuantong et al.also advocated abolishing old education and implementing new education which paid equal attention to moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetic education,and world outlook education.Their educational policies and thoughts of anti-revivalism are valuable assets for studying educational policies of modern Chinese education.