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Index control of dynamic stability on asphalt mixture applied in mountainous asphalt pavement

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 东南大学交通学院

出  处: 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第3期599-603,共5页

摘  要: 为了解决山区高等级公路车辙深度过大的问题,针对不同工况从理论计算的角度提出如何控制沥青混合料动稳定度的方法.采用有限单元法计算新建路面5年的车辙总量,探讨了有关参数对车辙的影响程度,提出了满足车辙要求的材料参数调整方法.研究结果表明:借助车辙稳定阶段的线性变化规律并建立预测公式,可以有效地解决三维车辙模型计算的问题;沥青混合料时间硬化模型参数m对车辙影响较小,控制参数A,n值是控制车辙深度的关键;分析室内车辙试验的实际工况,代入改进后的材料参数,计算得到了使所有工况都满足标准所对应的动稳定度指标要求.采用该种方法计算得到的动稳定度指标对材料抗车辙是偏于安全的. In order to solve the problem of excessive rutting depth in mountainous highway pavement,a way of how to control dynamic stability on asphalt mixture in connection with different conditions with the theoretical calculation is put forward.Rutting depth in five years is calculated with the method of FEA(finite element analyze).The influence degree of viscoelastic parameters on rutting is discussed,and a parameter adjustment approach which meets the requirements of rutting resistance is offered.Results show that by means of the linear law of stable stages in the development of rutting depth,a proper prediction formula is an effective method to solve 3D FEA of rutting.The parameter m in the model of time hardening has little effect on rutting depth,so the key to the rutting control is to control the parameters A and n.On the basis of the controlling parameters,through analyzing the actual working conditions of wheel tracking tests,the index requirement of dynamic stability which corresponds the actual working conditions of exceeded rutting standards is obtained.The results of dynamic stability using the type of calculation are based on safety.

关 键 词: 山区高等级沥青路面 时间硬化模型 车辙控制标准 动稳定度

领  域: [交通运输工程]




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