机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学国际工商管理学院
出 处: 《战略决策研究》 2010年第5期52-63,共12页
摘 要: 目前,我国农化行业内外部竞争已经十分激烈。通过对我国农化行业现状的分析,我们发现中国农化行业存在竞争程度高、农化企业经营管理方式落后、研发水平低下等问题,提出了农化行业必须进行升级,创造新型的经营模式,以实现服务化进而提高我国农化行业的竞争力。在农化服务供应链的概念基础上,构建了我国农化服务供应链平台。最后,以我国农化行业整合先行者广州易合通农化供应链有限公司为例,介绍了其如何打造一流的农化服务供应链。 Competition in China's agricultural chemical industry has increasingly become intense. This paper analyzes the actuality of China's agricultural chemical industry, finding that there are such problems as intense competition, poor management method and low level of production research. It suggests that China's agricultural chemical industry should be upgraded to improve competitiveness. It is also hoped that the concept of agricultural chemical service supply chain will be strengthened, and that the platform of service supply chain platform will be constructed. A case study is provided as food for thought.
关 键 词: 我国农化行业 升级 服务化 服务外包 农化服务供应链
领 域: [经济管理]