作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学政治与公共管理学院
出 处: 《战略决策研究》 2010年第3期32-38,共7页
摘 要: 当前我国滥觞于内生性能源、资源的刚性约束和外源性的政治竞争与安全压力,国际社会潜在的丛林竞争规则,大国兴衰沉浮的历史经验警示,和平崛起战略的顺利实现与否势必首先寄望于国内市场经济导向型改革与体制转型战略的成败。为增长而竞争的财政分权和晋升激励成为中国政府推动经济增长的动力源泉,它有助于增进转型初期的经济增长和资源配置。在晚近荣辱浮沉的历史湍流中,在沉淀了师从苏俄与欧美发展模式的喧嚣之后,必须注意防范现有自由资本主义发展模式的制度性痼疾。中国的体制改革和宪政转型不能是邯郸学步式的凌空虚蹈,考量东亚的国家规模、社会传统与发展共性,权衡中国历史与现实的经济、制度、文化与意识形态,运用法治规则—市场机制,培育柔性威权—善治和谐社会的国家也许是较为现实的理性选择。 With dependence on endogenous energy, rigid constraint of natural resources, exogenous pressure of political security, severe international "rule the jungle" and so forth, the continuing success of China will to a great extent be decided by the realization of its domestic economic reform and institutional transformation. Promotion of fiscal decentralization and governmental incentive for economic growth will contribute to the country's economic growth and transformation. Historically, China needs to learn lessons from the former Soviet Union, Europe and the United States in terms of developmental mode and capital management. The country's economic reform and political transformation can be carried out only within the reference system of East Asian countries and with a particular focus on the specific Chinese social, economic, institutional, cultural and ideological conditions. Rational governance can guarantee the making of a harmonious society.
关 键 词: 和平崛起 转型战略 财政分权 增量改革 制度变迁
领 域: [经济管理]