机构地区: 中山大学地球与环境科学学院科技应用研究中心
出 处: 《经济地理》 1999年第3期58-63,共6页
摘 要: 改革开放以来,我国经济取得很大成就,区域之间的联系和合作也比以前更为频繁。面对世界各地越来越趋于区域一体化的形势,我国必须加强区域合作,广东、广西、海南的环北部湾地区必须加强合作,促进共同发展。 Since reform and opening, our country's economy has made rapid progress. Connection and cooperation among regions are more frequent than ever. Facing with international tendency to regional integration, we must strengthen regional cooperation. The area circulating North Gulf, including Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan, must strengthen regional cooperation so as to promote common development.