机构地区: 中国科学院广州能源研究所
出 处: 《印染》 2010年第22期32-35,共4页
摘 要: 以某印染厂利用太阳能替代蒸汽生产热水为例,介绍了太阳能利用的设计理念与思路。实践表明,4 320m^2的太阳能集热系统每年可生产热水60 000 t,节约蒸汽3 900 t,节约运行成本40.9万元,回收期4.6年。同时,对主要的纺织印染地区的太阳能资源研究分析发现,在浙江和江苏等区域,太阳能集热系统的最长回收期不超过6.5年,具有非常好的经济和环境效益。 Taking one dyeing and printing mill as an example, solar energy was used instead of steam to produce hot water. Experimental results indicated that 4 320 m2 of solar energy heating system could yield 60 000 tons of hot-water per year, equiv- alent to 3 900 tons of steam. The cost-saving reached 0.409 million yuan per year and the pay back period was found to be 4. 6 years. Investigations carried out in Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and so on indicated that the longest pay back period of the solar energy heating system in these areas was less than 6.5 years.