机构地区: 广东工业大学管理学院物元分析研究所
出 处: 《工业工程》 1999年第2期19-21,共3页
摘 要: 分析关键要素是制定关键策略的前提,本文以可拓学的理论和方法为基础,给出了确定关键事物、关键特征和关键量值的分析方法,通过案例分析给出了利用关键要素制定关键策略的基本步骤。 The analysis of key elements is the premise for developing key strategy. Based on the theory and method of Extenics, the paper establishes the analytical method for key matter, key characteristics and key measure. And then through the application of a case in economy, the basic procedure for developing key strategy are demonstrated by the analytical method of key elements.