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Breeding of new highly fragrant Oolong tea variety Hongyan 12

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《广东农业科学》 2010年第11期53-56,共4页

摘  要: 对高香乌龙茶新品种鸿雁12号的选育过程、多年品比和区试试验结果进行了介绍和分析。结果表明:鸿雁12号属灌木型,中叶早芽,无性系新品种,其生长势强,产量高,品比试验3年平均产量比对照福建水仙增产41.3%,在4个省份区试点产量表现均较好,分别比对照种黄棪增产2.22%、10.29%、29.64%和32.76%。适制高香乌龙茶和花香绿茶,品质优异。高香乌龙茶外形绿润,花香高浓持久,滋味浓滑爽口,汤色黄绿明亮,感官审评比福建水仙高8.1分,比黄棪高2.55~4.2分;花香绿茶滋味浓爽,香气高长,汤色叶底绿明亮,香气品质优于福鼎大白茶。该品种抗寒旱和抗虫能力强,易扦插,种植成活率高,适宜广东、湖南、广西、福建等省生产应用。 This paper reported the process of breeding a new highly fragrant Oolong tea variety Hongyan 12,and variety comparison and district experiments for many years was analyzed.Hongyan 12 is a new olone cultivar,a shrub with middle leaves and early shoots.It has strong potential growth and high yield,which is high 41.3% than Fujian Shuixian in three-year yield test.In regional experiments,the production performance of Hongyan 12 were all superior to Huangdan as the control species in four provinces,respectivly 2.22%,10.29%,29.64% and 32.76%.Hongyan 12 is suitable to process oolong tea and green tea with excellent quality and flower aroma.The sensory evaluation of processed oolong tea was showed clean and mellow taste,heavy and sweet fragrance and brillant yellow with green liquor,the point being high 8.1 scores than the Fujian Shuixian,2.55-4.2 than Huangdan.While green tea has heavy and clean taste,brilliant green,clean and high aroma,the aroma is perior to Fuding Dabaicha.The drought and insect-resistant ability of Hongyan 12 are strong.For its high survival rate,Hongyan 12 can easily be planted in Guangdong,Hunan,Guangxi,Fujian and et al.

关 键 词: 鸿雁 乌龙茶 选育过程 品比 区试

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 张平湖
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机构 华南农业大学


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