机构地区: 湖南工程学院计算机与通信学院
出 处: 《控制理论与应用》 2010年第6期753-760,共8页
摘 要: 提出一种结合滑模变结构和自适应观测技术的感应电机非线性控制新方法.以定子电流与定子磁链为状态变量建立感应电机模型,采用非线性分析方法建立转矩与磁链误差方程,使用自适应滑模技术设计转矩与磁链控制器,推导出定子电压控制量.基于模型参考技术设计自适应观测器,向控制器提供准确的转速辨识与磁链观测值,并给出了控制系统的稳定性证明.该方法具有转矩脉动小、定子磁链畸变不明显的优点,低速时也具有良好的控制性能,且对参数与负载变化有较强的鲁棒性.仿真与实验结果证明了该控制策略的正确性与有效性. A new nonlinear control scheme is proposed for induction motor(IM) drives.The IM model is represented in a fixed axis reference frame by using stator currents and stator fluxes as state variables;the error dynamics of torque and flux are obtained through the nonlinear analysis.An adaptive sliding-mode(SM) torque and flux controller is then designed in order to track a linear reference model,and the required reference stator voltages are deduced.Based on the model reference adaptive approach,an adaptive observer is designed for the estimation of the flux and the rotor speed.The stability analysis of the scheme is also given.This scheme has many advantages and features such as the reduced torque ripple,reduced stator flux distortion,normal operation in low speed and the robustness to parameter perturbation.Finally,simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed scheme.
关 键 词: 感应电机 非线性控制 自适应滑模控制 自适应观测器
领 域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]