作 者: ;
机构地区: 武汉数字工程研究所
出 处: 《计算机与数字工程》 1999年第2期1-16,共16页
摘 要: 本研究系列用新的形式论述泛系思维,并且从泛系观来阐述科学技术的一些特点、机制与理法以及与科学技术有关的一些历史、时代、方法论、哲学、宗教、教育与未来发展的问题,同时具体研究创作、创造、创新、创意与智能信息处理的技理,憾息运筹与博才运筹的方法,介绍举一反万的泛系悟术以及现代国际学术界关注的粗集理论的泛系显生。 A transfield investigations within the framework of pansystems thinking in a creatively new form are presented in this paper with related papers continued, concrete contents include: history background, era situation, methodology,science philosophy, religion, education, futurology, creation, creative ideas, general design, technological trilogy, intelligence information processing,regret information operating, principles of versatile-becoming, pansystems mechanism in computer science, technical state management, relativity, anthropology, egotheory, super - association and comprehension by analogy,new investigation of pansystems methodology on coarse set theory,etc.