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Images of plum blossom and crane in early Song poems of late Tang style

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京师范大学

出  处: 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第10期82-86,共5页

摘  要: 晚唐体诗人以其诗歌创造高度丰富和发展了中国古典诗词中的梅、鹤意象。鹤意象突出鹤的闲适、从容、清瘦、孤傲,呈现闲适高逸的世外情怀;梅意象则突出梅的清香、幽峭、冷艳、疏瘦,表现出清峭的品性与格调。晚唐体诗人以僧人与隐士为主体,他们主动疏离社会权力中心,以僧、隐的生活方式表现对世俗价值的否定,他们自身价值的实现寄托于独立的自我人格的完善,梅、鹤等花木禽鸟意象成为他们闲逸心性、生活情趣和人格意识的外化。 The poets of Late-Tang-Dynasty enriched the poetic images of plum blossom and crane in their po- ems. Crane image emphasizes cranes' slim, quiet, unhurried, and proudly aloof features to show poets'leisurely and exclusive feelings, while plum image focuses on plum blossoms' faint scent, lonesome pride, and scanty glamour to express their gracefully unconventional character. The poets who wrote those poems of late Tang Dynasty style were mostly monks and hermits. Their special living style had been the negation of the profane value. By perfecting inde- pendent personality, they endeavored to fulfill their own value. Plum blossom, crane and other plants and animals thus became the externalization of their free spirit, daily sentiments, personality and consciousness.

关 键 词: 晚唐体 意象

领  域: [文学]


作者 刘爱兰
作者 林柔香
作者 马若飞
作者 庄丽丽
作者 刘广丰


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青