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Composting Technology for Plant-based Raw Material Treatment and Nitrogen Release Characteristics

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学

出  处: 《东北林业大学学报》 2010年第10期95-98,共4页

摘  要: 为了解决植物性原料堆沤基质化技术中,堆沤基质氮素易损失、含量过高,不能直接应用于苗木栽培中的问题,以及了解堆沤基质后期氮素释放规律,通过采用土柱间歇淋洗的方法,研究了硝态氮和铵态氮随淋洗次数和淋洗时间的释放规律。结果表明:经过3次淋洗,堆沤基质氮素性质基本稳定,铵态氮的减少量达到原堆沤基质的95%,同时淋洗液铵态氮质量分数占原质量分数的比例不随原料比例、原基质铵态氮质量分数的变化而变化;而硝态氮会由于浇灌淋洗而损失殆尽。6种堆沤基质淋洗次数-硝/铵态氮释放速率累积量曲线和淋洗时间-硝/铵态氮释放速率累积量曲线可用Elovich方程、抛物线扩散方程、一级动力学方程、双常数方程表征,其中以Elovich方程拟合度最好,淋溶次数较淋溶时间更能反映硝态氮、铵态氮累积释放速率。本次试验所得的m(水)∶m(土)=20∶1可为实际生产中植物性原料堆沤基质化处理提供参考。 An experiment was conducted to study the release characteristics of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen through leaching method of soil column in order to solve the problems that nitrogen is easy to lose and nitrogen content is too high when directly use the plant-based composted material as seedling growing media,as well as to get the knowledge about the release process of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen from composted media.Results showed that,after leaching for three times,the nitrogen content of the composted material was stable.The percent of the ammonium nitrogen released from the composted material reached 95 percent,and the percent was independent of raw material proportion and ammonium nitrogen content.The percent of the nitrate nitrogen released from the composted material reached 100 percent.The dynamics of accumulated releasing percentage of ammonium nitrogen with leaching times could be quantitatively described by four equations:the Elovich equation,the parabolic diffuse equation,the first-order Kinetics equation and the two constant equation.However,the simulation of Elovich equation was the best,and the leaching times was better than the leaching time.Soil-water mass ratio was 1∶20 in this experiment,but it was just a reference value for practical production.

关 键 词: 植物性原料 堆沤 基质 铵态氮 硝态氮

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 林耿


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学地理科学学院地理科学系


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