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Growth,Physiological Characteristics and Evaluation of Cold Tolerance of Pineapple Seedlings under Low Temperature Stress

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所

出  处: 《西北植物学报》 2010年第10期2054-2060,共7页

摘  要: 以国内外10个菠萝品种幼苗为材料,研究了它们在低温胁迫下的生长及其渗透调节物质、细胞膜透性的变化特征,并综合评价它们的耐寒性。结果表明:(1)随低温处理时间的延续,各品种幼苗单株干重虽然均呈逐渐增加趋势,但不同品种生物量增加幅度存在显著差异。(2)随着低温处理时间的延长,各品种叶片脯氨酸含量和细胞膜相对透性逐渐升高;可溶性蛋白含量总体上初期升高后期降低,而‘巴厘’、‘珍珠’、‘台农17号’、‘台农19号’和‘MD-2’的可溶性蛋白在处理末期又有所上升;可溶性糖含量变化趋势复杂。(3)低温胁迫处理9 d后,各菠萝品种叶片中的脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白含量及细胞膜相对透性均增加;可溶性糖含量除‘珍珠’略有减少外,其余均增加。(4)经过各指标赋分分级综合评价后认为,‘MD-2’和‘巴厘’品种耐寒性最强;‘台农17号’、‘台农16号’、‘巴厘突变体’、‘台农13号’、‘台农19号’和‘无刺卡因’耐寒性中等;‘珍珠’和‘台农6号’耐寒性最弱。研究发现,菠萝耐寒性强弱可根据干物质积累结合其它生理指标来综合评判。 To study the cold tolerance of 10 pineapple varieties,the growth,osmoregulation substances and cell membrane permeability were determined under low temperature stress.The results showed that the dry weight of all seedlings increased dramatically after low temperature treatment,and significant differences of biomass accumulation among varieties were observed.Under low temperature treatment,the proline contents and relative membrane permeability increased with the passage of time.In general,the soluble protein contents increased firstly,then decreased,but it increased again at terminal stage in the varieties of 'Comte de Paris','Pearl','Tainong No.17','Tainong No.19' and 'MD-2';While the changes of soluble sugar contents were complicated.The proline contents,soluble protein contents and relative membrane permeability increased in leaves of all 10 pineapple varieties after 9 days of low temperature stress,while the soluble sugar contents in all the leaves increased except for 'Pearl' in which it decreased slightly.According to the variation of the related parameters,the comprehensive evaluation was made and the results showed that 10 pineapple varieties were classified into 3 groups:strong cold tolerance('MD-2'and 'Comte de Paris'),moderate cold tolerance('Tainong No.17','Tainong No.16','Mutant of Comte de Paris','Tainong No.13','Tainong No.19' and 'Smooth Cayenne') and weak cold tolerance('Pearl' and 'Tainong No.6').The cold tolerance of pineapple seedlings could be properly evaluated by comprehensive indexes of dry weight accumulation combined with other physiological characteristics.

关 键 词: 菠萝 低温胁迫 生长 渗透调节 细胞膜透性

领  域: [生物学]


作者 夏杏洲
作者 叶日英


机构 广东工业大学华立学院
机构 广东海洋大学


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