作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《雕塑》 2010年第5期46-47,共2页
摘 要: 当今的艺术世界在国际殖民主义思想崩溃后,各族群文化已不存在高低优劣之分。在西方文化影响世界的状况下,非西方文化也影响世界,形成了一种多元化的后现代时期,在这个状况下,我们须反思中国当代艺术批评与艺术创作的状况,认识在其间所存在的思维误区,确定自身的价值判断和文化主张,而不至于继续在文化认同的圈子里打转转。本期所刊之文章,是切中此主题的富有见地的理论性探索。 The Dilemma of the Value of Chinese Art Thinking in the Cultural Exchange between East and West Editor’s notes: With the collapsing of the international colonial system, the cultures of different ethnic groups become equal in the present art world. Featured with pluralism, the post modern era is formed by the influence of both western and non western cultures. In this condition, we should retrospect the current situation of the Chinese contemporary art criticism and creation, be aware of the mistaken ideas and form our own values and views of the culture and discard the cultural identity. The articles in this issue conduct insightful theoretical discussions on this topic.
关 键 词: 艺术批评 中国当代 价值判断 历史书写 艺术世界 西方文化影响 非西方文化 殖民主义
领 域: [艺术]