机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院
出 处: 《林业科学研究》 1999年第1期23-30,共8页
摘 要: 粤北分布有国家级珍稀濒危植物31种、广东省重点保护植物4种,合计占广东省内分布的珍稀濒危植物数量的52.3%。其分布区类型以中国特有分布、中南半岛至华南分布及间断分布为主,没有世界性分布的类型,显示出地域分布的局限性。在这些种类中,有些是有重要科学价值的古老残遗属种,在植物系统进化中处于关键的环节,如三尖杉、福建柏、伯乐树等;有些有重要的经济意义,如南方红豆杉,其树皮能提取抗癌特效药紫杉醇;有些则是我国重要经济植物和作物的野生亲缘种,对于种质改良有重要意义,如野茶树和野大豆。因此,应加强对粤北珍稀濒危植物的保护:扩大或增设保护区;对重要的珍稀濒危种类要列入优先保护名单,加强就地保护,探索其迁地保护途径,研究其种质保存的方法,以恢复退化的种群。要达到这个目的,还要走出一条自然保护与当地经济协调。 North Guangdong hilly and mountainous area is a place in South China’s Guangdong Province where rare and endangered plant species most abundantly distribute.31 species of rare and endangered plants of national level and 4 such species of provincial level are found to distribute naturally in this area,accounting for 52.3 percent of the total number of rare and endangered species distributing across the province.These rare and endangered plant species fall into 3 categories.The first is of second ranking protection which includes Tsuga longibracteata,Fokienia hodginsii, Cephalotaxus oliveri,Pseudotaxus chienii,Tsoogiodendron ordorum,Camellia sinensis var. assamica,Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes,Archiboehmeria atrata,Euryocorymbus cavaleriei,Bretshneidera sinensis and Diplopanax stachyanthus. The second is of third ranking protection which includes Pinus kwangtungensis,Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis,Amentotaxus argotaenia,Magnolia officialis subsp. biloba,Parakmeria lotungensis,Cinnamomum micranthum,Phoebe bournei,Coptis chinensis var. brevisepala,Dysosma versipellis,Semiliquidambar cathayensis,Zenia insignis, Euchresta japonica,Glycine soja,Castanopsis kawakamii,Pteroceltis tatarinowii,Artocarpus hypargyreus,Toona cilita,Tapiscia sinensis,Halesia macgregorii and Morinda officinalis. The last is of provincial level protection which includes Cephalotaxus fortunei,Taxus mairei,Castanopsis jucunda and Scleropyrum wallichianum. The rare and endangered plants are characterized by the generic areal type of endemic to China,of Indo Chinese peninsula to south China and of discontinuous dispersion.This,coupled with the lack of cosmopolitan areal type,indicates the confinement of dispersal in geography of rare and endangered plant species. Of the 35 rare and endangered plan
领 域: [生物学]