机构地区: 北京工业大学交通工程北京市重点实验室
出 处: 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2010年第5期1040-1043,共4页
摘 要: 以往研究表明,不良天气条件下的交通安全事故数量显著增多.不同天气条件下的行驶速度相差很大,晴天条件下车辆的行驶速度最高,依次是中雨、大雨及雨雾天.驾驶员心理反应在各种天气条件下差异也很大,中雨条件下的心率最大,接下来依次是晴天、大雨及雨雾天气.心率的标准差由大到小依次为中雨、雨雾、大雨以及晴天.文中对影响驾驶员驾驶行为的因素进行了分析得出,不同天气条件下的平均速度与能见度密切相关,驾驶员心率与车辆行驶速度以及驾驶员的紧张程度相关. Past studies indicate that traffic accident increases in bad weathers remarkably.In order to study the effects of bad weathers on drivers,this paper records the physiological and psychological reactions of the drivers in different weathers as fine,medium rain,heavy rain,rain and fog based on driving simulator.Through comparison of heart rate,breath rate of the drivers and the speed of the vehicles between different weathers,driver behaves in different weathers are obtained.Experiments indicate that the speed of the vehicle varies in different weathers.The speed in fine is the most,and the following is that in medium rain,heavy rain,rain and fog.The physiological and psychological reactions vary in different weathers too.The mean heart rate in medium rain is the most,and the following is that in fine,heavy rain,rain and fog in turn.The standard deviation of the heart rate in medium is the biggest,and the following is that in rain and fog,heavy rain and fine.The paper analyses the factors affecting the driver behaves and draws the conclusions that the mean speed in different weathers correlates with visibility closely and that the heart rate correlates with the driver's tension and speed.The conclusions provide an basic data for posted speed limit in bad weathers.