机构地区: 广西财经学院金融与保险学院金融系
出 处: 《管理评论》 2010年第10期57-66,90,共11页
摘 要: 政府是一个追求执政效用最大化的理性经济人,在对宏观经济实施调控的过程当中也会考虑成本与收益,所以宏观调控可以被视为多种输入和输出的决策规划行为。借助数据包络分析,我们不仅能够对政策工具的技术效率和规模效率等做出适当的评估,而且也能够分析政策工具的成本差异对配置效率的影响。 Government is regarded as rational economic man who seeks maximal governing effect,and takes costs and earnings into account in the process of macroeconomic control. So we can treat macroeconomic control as a kind of decision-making and programming activity with many inputs and outputs. Data envelopment analysis helps us not only evaluate technical efficiency and scale efficiency in macroeconomic policies but also analyze allocation efficiency influenced by cost difference.
关 键 词: 技术效率 规模报酬 配置效率 经济成本 外部性
领 域: [经济管理]