机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院翻译学研究中心
出 处: 《上海翻译》 2010年第4期11-15,共5页
摘 要: 随着翻译研究在国内外的迅速发展,翻译学已经成长为一门独立的学科,有着自己明确的研究对象、研究领域和研究方法,国内现行的学科分类已经不再适应翻译学当下的发展。笔者在分析国内外翻译学学科发展形势和现状的基础上,分析了翻译学作为二级学科建设的必然性。 With the fast development of translation studies home and abroad,translation studies has won its status as a unique disci-pline with its specific object of research,research areas and methodology as well.However,the present disciplinary classification sys-tem in China can not meet the need of the disciplinary development of translation studies.This paper makes an attempt to rationalize the necessity for the construction of translation studies as the second grade discipline on the basis of the exploration of its historical growth and present development.
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