机构地区: 同济大学土木工程学院测量与国土信息工程系
出 处: 《大地测量与地球动力学》 2010年第5期121-124,共4页
摘 要: 船舶建造过程中,为保证船体结构装配工作的顺利进行,通常需要进行装配定位。讨论了一种通过移站测量获取不可见面上点位信息的方法,从而实现对大的构件和分段的正确定位,保证装配质量。同时,利用MatlabGUI编制了移站测量坐标计算程序,使得不可见点坐标的获取更加快捷,有利于实际工程应用。 During the ship construction, assembly positioning is always needed to ensure that the assembly of the ship structure goes well. A measurement method based on station-moving for acquiring the point position information on invisible faces is proposed, so as to realize positioning correctly on the large components and fragments and ensure the assembly quality. Meanwhile, using Matlab GUI, a coordinate calculation program for station-moving measurement is developed, enabling invisible point coordinates to be obtained much faster. It will be more beneficial to practical application.