机构地区: 广州大学生命科学学院
出 处: 《广东教育学院学报》 2010年第5期79-87,共9页
摘 要: 本文采用样方法对南岭地区长柄双花木4个种群进行了实地调查,对30个样方中长柄双花木群落的植物区系及其资源进行了研究.结果表明:长柄双花木南岭群落植物区系以亚热带分布的科属为主,并具有较典型的亚热带区系特点,有维管植物56科83属100种,其中蕨类植物8科10属11种,裸子植物2科2属2种,被子植物46科71属87种.资源分析结果表明有药用植物71种,用材植物19种,观赏植物18种,油脂植物17种,野果植物11种,芳香植物9种,淀粉植物6种,饲用植物4种,蜜源植物5种,纤维植物4种,有毒植物4种,蔬菜植物3种,说明长柄双花木南岭群落中野生经济植物资源丰富. Four Disanthus cercidifolius var.longipes populations distrubuted in Nanling region were investigated by the quadrat method.The flora and plant resources were studied in the 30 quardrats.The result showed that the flora is mainly composed of subtropical components,and have the typical characteristics of subtropical flora.The vascular plants is composed of 100 species,belonged to 56 families and 83 genera,among which,11 fern species belonged to 8 families and 10 genera,2 gymnosperm species,belonged to 2 families and 2 genera,and 87 angiosperm species,belonged to 46 families and 71 genera.There are plenty of resource plants among the vascular plants in the community.It mainly includes 71 medicinal plants,19 timber plants,18 ornamental plants,17 oil plants,11 wild fruits,9 aromatic plants,6 starch yielding plants,4 forage plants,5 honey plants,4 fiber plants,4 poisinous plants and 3 vegetables.
领 域: [生物学]