机构地区: 贵州大学化学与化工学院贵州省发酵工程与生物制药重点实验室
出 处: 《粮食与油脂》 2010年第10期12-16,共5页
摘 要: 该文报道酶法提取麻疯树籽油工艺,在单因素试验基础上,利用Box–Benhnken中心组合试验和响应面分析法(RSM),对影响麻疯树籽出油率关键因素进行优化探讨。结果表明,纤维素酶具有较好酶解能力,最佳工艺条件为:加酶量2.1%、酶解温度43℃、料液比1∶5(g/mL)、酶解时间3 h,麻疯树籽油得率可达80.71%,较无酶条件下得率提高20%。 The Jatropha curcas L. seeds oil extracted by aqueous enzymatic technology was studied. Based on single factor experiments, the optimal extraction process was determined using central composite design combined with response surface methodology. The results indicated that cellulase shows the better ability of enzymatic hydrolysis, and the optimal technological condition were as follows: amount of enzyme 2.1%, temperature 43℃, solid-liquid ratio 1 : 5 ( g/mL ), time 3 h. Under this condition the extraction rate was 80.71%. Comparing with nonenzymatic extraction, the Jatropha seeds oil yield increase by 20%.
领 域: [化学工程]