机构地区: 湖南理工学院
出 处: 《外国语文》 2010年第5期149-153,共5页
摘 要: 运用纵深研究法对英语专业学生口语产出中的自我修正行为进行为期一年半的跟踪调查,进行了三次口语测试。调查结果表明:处于不同学习阶段的学习者在使用各类自我修正频数方面有显著差异,以第二次测试表现最为明显。相同修正是学习者最常用的修正方式,不同修正则不常用。随着学习的深入,学习者的产出性词汇呈线性发展趋势,语篇意识也随之增强。这些变化体现了学习者认知能力的发展和在线资源分配的趋势。 The longitudinal study was conducted to explore English majors’ self-repair behavior in a period of one and half year.The results of three oral tests show that subjects expand their productive vocabulary in production during the process of second language acquisition.At the same time,subjects’ self-repair frequencies are significant among the three tests,especially for the second time.It is shown that S-repair outnumbers any other types of repairs,and D-repair accounts for the lowermost frequencies.It is also obvious that subjects at the three occasions have acquired textual awareness.These results indicate subjects’ cognitive development and on-line allocation of cognitive resources.
关 键 词: 纵深研究法 自我修正 产出性词汇 认知能力 认知资源
领 域: [语言文字]