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Application of Soil Bioengineering on Road Slope Revegetation in Beijing Suburb

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学水土保持学院教育部水土保持与荒漠化防治重点实验室

出  处: 《西北林学院学报》 2010年第6期64-68,共5页

摘  要: 以北京市怀柔区琉璃河为实验河段,建立土壤生物工程技术对山区公路边坡进行治理的示范区,以金丝垂柳(Salix×aureo-pendula)作为主要施工材料,采用灌丛垫、扦插、埋根、梢捆、柳篱挡墙等生物工程措施,并对施工完成5个月后的生长状况、护坡效果等进行调查测定。结果表明:5种土壤生物工程中,金丝垂柳的成活率在90%以上,金丝垂柳在试验区具有很好的适应性;在不同的工程类型、水淹与否等条件下,金丝柳的生长状况表现出明显的差异,其生长状况为梢捆>埋根>扦插>灌丛垫>柳篱挡墙;水淹1个月较未水淹金丝垂柳的基径和株高的平均值分别小9.5%和10.7%;采用不同的插穗直径,金丝垂柳的生长状况有显著区别,生长状况为"1.5~3.0 cm">"3.0~5.0 cm">"1.0~1.5 cm"。土壤生物工程实施后公路边坡稳定性增强,生物多样性增加,生物栖息地得到改善。总结了土壤生物工程在山区公路护坡中应注意的问题和后期管理措施。 Soil bioengineering was used to rehabilitant the road along Liuli River in Huairou District of Beijing. Salix × aureo-pendula was selected as the main plant material in the soil bioengineering measures to protect the road slope, such as brush mattress, live staking, rooted cutting, fascines, and wattle fence. The plant performance and its slope stability effects were investigated after 5 months. The survival rate of S. × aureo-pendula was above 90% under different soil bioengineering techniques, indicating that S. × aureo-pendula was suitable for the local environment. The growth status of plants showed significant differences under different types of bioengineering measures and waterlogging levels, and with the order of fascines〉root cutting〉living cuttings〉brush mattress〉wattle fence. The mean basal diameter and mean height of plants which in the flooded area of the slope for a month was 9. 5% and 10. 7%, respectively, smaller than the plants that in the not flooded area of the slope. In all kinds of living cuttings diameters, growth status of showed significant differences: "1.5-3.0 cm"〉"3.0-5.0 cm"〉"l. 0 -1.5 cm". According to the results, the paper summed up some attentions during the construction and management to provide scientific basis in the region. Along with the riverbank being reinforced, the habitats of the riparian zone were under self-improvement and biodiversity had been in rapid restoration.

关 键 词: 土壤生物工程 金丝垂柳 北京山区 边坡绿化

领  域: [农业科学]




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