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Influence of Rare Earth Gd on the Glass Forming Ability and Mechanical Properties of FeCrMoCB Alloys

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学材料与能源学院

出  处: 《材料导报》 2010年第18期12-14,共3页

摘  要: 通过添加不同含量的稀土Gd,采用铜模真空吸铸法制备出一系列直径不同的FeCrMoCBGd合金样品,借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)、示差扫描量热仪(DSC)、显微硬度仪及万能试验机,研究了添加稀土元素Gd对FeCrMoCB合金非晶形成能力及力学性能的影响。结果表明,当Gd添加量为2%(原子分数)时,FeCrMoCBGd系合金的非晶形成能力最好,非晶合金的最大直径可超过12mm;非晶合金系的晶化过程为二级晶化行为,其显微硬度随直径的增加呈下降趋势,随Gd含量的增加而增加;非晶合金系均表现为脆性,断裂方式为典型的脆性断裂。 The copper-mold vacuum suction casting, X-ray diffractometer(XRD), differential scanning calorimeter(DSC), micro-hardness instrument and universal testing machine are adopted to study the effects of rare earth element Gd additions on the glass forming abilities(GFAs), thermal stabilities and mechanical properties of FeCrMoCB bulk amorphous alloys. The results show that the addition content of Gd arrives at 2at%, the FeCrMoCBGd alloys have the best GFA, and the maximum diameter of the amorphous alloy rods can excess 12mm. The crystallization process of the amorphous alloys is a two-stage crystallization behavior. With increasing diameter, the micro-hardness presents a downward trend, while with the increase of Gd content, it increases. Under compression, the amorphous alloys show brittle nature, and the fracture mode is a typically brittle fracture.

关 键 词: 大块非晶合金 稀土元素 非晶形成能力 显微硬度 脆性断裂

领  域: [一般工业技术] [理学] [理学]


作者 林永升


机构 中山大学


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