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Control and survey of goat parasites in Guangzhou

作  者: ; (兰剑飞);

机构地区: 华南农业大学动物医学系

出  处: 《广东畜牧兽医科技》 1999年第2期29-32,共4页

摘  要: 本次对广州地区某羊场山羊的体内外寄生虫进行了调查,通过体表、粪便检查以及尸体剖检发现:体外寄生虫有山羊疥螨和山羊毛虱;体内寄生虫有寄生于第四胃和小肠的毛圆科线虫,包括血矛线虫属、毛圆属、奥斯特属、马歇尔属、古柏属多种线虫。采用害获灭和螨净对以上寄生虫进行治疗试验,发现害获灭对山羊螨、虱及胃肠道线虫都有较好的驱杀作用。其中对胃肠道线虫的驱净率达100%,某些螨病较为严重的山羊采用害获灭肌注,同时配合螨净药裕则疗效更佳,治愈率可达100%。 Investigation of internal and external parasites in goat from a farm in Guangzhou,Guangdong province, was carried out by test of skin and faeces and autopsy. It is found that the external parasites were Sarcoptes scabiei var. caprae and Damalinia caprae, the internal ones be-longed to Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Ostertagia, marshallagia, Cooperia, which was parasitic in rumen and small intestine. The treatment trial against above - mentioned parasites was under-taken by use of ivomec and baythion. The experiment showed that ivomec had good control effect on these internal and external parasites, in which all internal parasites were wiped out(100%).Ivomec i. m. and baythion in shower had a better effect on serious mange reinfestation.

关 键 词: 山羊 寄生虫病 调查 防治 试验

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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