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3414 Fertilizer Efficiency Experiment of Summer Maize on Sandy Alluvial Soil in North China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所农业部植物营养与养分循环重点开放实验室

出  处: 《河北农业科学》 2010年第9期41-45,共5页

摘  要: 在沙质潮土条件下,采用"3414"肥效试验设计,通过不同方法对玉米产量结果与肥料施用量的回归拟合,建立不同施肥因子组合的施肥效应模型。单因子效应分析结果表明,氮、磷、钾肥料的增产效应表现为氮>磷>钾;夏玉米对钾肥的忍耐度低于磷和氮,表现为过量施用会引起产量快速降低。3种肥料因子间均存在正向交互作用,但交互作用的大小和程度在不同的模型上特点不同。通过对模型寻优分析,确定沙质潮土夏玉米N、P2O5、K2O最高产量施肥量分别为164 kg/hm2、93 kg/hm2和57 kg/hm2,投入比例为1.0∶0.6∶0.4;最佳经济施肥量分别为96 kg/hm2、78 kg/hm2和38 kg/hm2,投入比例为1.0∶0.8∶0.4。 The fertilizer effect models were established by regression fitting between the yield of maize and application rate of fertilizer on sandy alluvial soil using 3414 fertilizer efficiency experiment.The results showed that the stimulation effect of fertilizer in order was NPK.The patience to K of maize was lower than P and N,the yield decreased rapidly when the application rate of K was high.There were positive interaction among N,P and K.The application rate was N 164 kg/hm2,P2O5 93 kg/hm2 and K2O 57 kg/km2 with the highest maize yield,and the most economical application rate was N 96 kg/hm2,P2O5 78 kg/hm2 and K2O 38kg/km2.

关 键 词: 沙质潮土 夏玉米 肥效试验 产量 施肥量

领  域: [农业科学]




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