作 者: ;
机构地区: 惠州农业学校
出 处: 《读与写(教育教学刊)》 2010年第8期171-172,共2页
摘 要: 从跨文化的思维来分析商标的翻译,需要译者选择以文化因素相关的翻译策略。究竟是采用目标语言文化为中心归化策略,还是选择以原语语言文化为中心的异化策略,取决于商标本身的性质,以达到宣传推广目的。本文尝试从理论和实践的角度,来分析归化和异化策略在商标翻译中的运用。 Translation is closely related with culture. From the perspective of cross-cultural communication, The translators should deeply consider the target language and source language. What kind of strategy should be adopted is decided by the nature of the trademark and by the purpose that the translators tend to achieve. This paper endeavors to analyze how to adopt the domestication and foreignization strategies in translating the trademark by the comparison of culture.