作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学历史文化学院
出 处: 《历史研究》 2010年第4期132-151,共20页
摘 要: 十九路军与其他反蒋者的最大不同,在于它有长期的拥蒋经历。由于个人关系纽带的先天欠缺,尽管十九路军与蒋介石有过长期的结合,但基础不牢固。随着九一八事变、淞沪抗战等时局的演化以及国民党派系纷争加剧,内有陈铭枢急剧转变,外有反蒋势力助推,在抗日、"剿共"问题上与蒋介石分歧日益突出,十九路军最终走上反蒋之路。 What made 19th Route Army most different from other anti-Chiang forces was its long history of support for Chiang.Although this cooperation with Chiang had lasted a long time,it did not have a strong foundation owing to the inherent absence of personal relationships between the two camps.Against the background of the changed situation after the September 18th Incident and the Anti-Japanese Battle of Songhu,as well as the intensification of factional strife in the Kuomintang,and with the dramatic change in Chen Mingshu''s attitude internally and support from anti-Chiang forces externally,the Army''s disputes with Chiang on the issues of opposing Japan and suppressing the Communists became ever more striking and eventually led to its rebellion against him.