机构地区: 上海外国语大学
出 处: 《外语与外语教学》 2010年第4期86-89,共4页
摘 要: 现当代著名英国作家劳伦斯·达雷尔的早期小说《黑书》中小说家的自我及小说主人公的自我分别与不同形式的他者相互作用,使小说成为一部充满自我与他者之生死变奏的乐章。本文凭借精神分析和叙事学理论,阐释了小说自我与他者之间抵抗、共生和融合的辩证关系。 The Black Book, one of the early novels written by the famous contemporary British novelist Lawrence Durrell,presents the novelist' s self and protagonist' s self which interact with the others in different forms and contents. As a result, the novel seems to become a musical movement full of variations on life and death between Self and the Other. The dialectical relationships in the novel such as resistance, co-existence and integration between the self and the other are interpreted from the perspectives of psychoanalysis and narratology.
领 域: [文学]