作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学历史文化学院
出 处: 《学术研究》 2010年第8期102-111,共10页
摘 要: "特兰特会议"和"特兰特体系"是两个既有密切关联又有迥异差别的历史概念,但人们往往把"特兰特体系"中的一切内容都和"特兰特会议"联系在一起,其结果便是对中世纪晚期以来的西方天主教会史产生各种误读。通过对《特兰特圣公会议教规教令集》这部文献的分析可以看出,特兰特会议的主题是有着明确指向的,其教规教令基本上都是围绕新教问题而制定的。而"特兰特体系"却将特兰特会议放大为一应俱全的法宝,这是罗马教廷对特兰特会议成果解释权实施垄断的结果。 The Council of Trent and the Tridentine System are two important historical concepts which were closely connected.Meanwhile,there are many differences between them.However,many scholars tend to attribute all the contents of the Tridentine System to the Council of Trent.And that has lead to many misunderstandings about the late-medieval and modern Christianity.From the documents,'Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent',one can see that the main topics of the Council of Trent were confined to the problems caused by the Protestantism.However,the right of interpretation of the Council of Trent was monopolized by the Roman Curia.And besides its necessity,the Curia intentionally decorated this Council as a systematic,complete,and exhaustive response to every problem faced by the Church.