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Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on qualities of surimi product during refrigerated storage

作  者: ; ; ; ; (马永钧);

机构地区: 浙江工商大学食品与生物工程学院浙江省食品安全重点实验室

出  处: 《农业工程学报》 2010年第7期329-334,共6页

摘  要: 为分析不同气调包装对鱼糜制品冷藏过程中品质的影响,研究以鱼糜制品中的鱼丸为对象,通过测定其在(0±0.5)℃冷藏过程中的菌落总数、理化和感官等指标的变化,评价气调包装的保鲜效果。气调包装条件分别为空气包装(对照)、低氧气调包装(60%CO2+10%O2+30%N2,均为体积分数,下同)、无氧气调包装(60%CO2+40%N2)、含保鲜剂的无氧气调包装(60%CO2+40%N2+保鲜剂)。结果表明,0℃下鱼丸在空气包装下贮藏32d和低氧气调包装下贮藏42d后菌落总数分达到8.7×104cfu/g和8.5×104cfu/g,超过规定的卫生标准;而无氧气调包装可使鱼丸的货架期达到47d(菌落总数4.3×104cfu/g)以上,含保鲜剂的无氧气调包装可使鱼丸货架期延长至52d(菌落总数0.98×104cfu/g)以上,并且能降低脂肪氧化程度;两组无氧气调包装样品在冷藏期间其pH值、TBA(硫代巴比妥酸)值和感官等指标都优于低氧气调包装和空气包装。无氧气调包装或结合生物保鲜剂包装能更好地延长冷藏鱼丸的货架期。 The purpose of the study was to analyze the quality changes of refrigerated surimi-based products withmodified atmosphere packaging(MAP).The total viable counts(TVC),physicochemical parameters and sensory indexwere determined to evaluate the qualities of the surimi-based product fish-ball stored at(0±0.5)℃ with differentmodified atmosphere packaging,air packaging(as control),low oxygen MAP(60%CO2+10%O2+30%N2),non oxygenMAP(60%CO2+40%N2) and non oxygen MAP combined with preservative(60%CO2+40%N2+preservative),respectively.The results showed that the TVC under air packaging after 32 days and low oxygen MAP after 42 daysreached 8.5×104 cfu/g and 8.7×104 cfu/g respectively,exceeding the hygiene standard of surimi-based products.Thesample with non oxygen MAP could extend the shelf-life of refrigerated fish-balls over 47 days(with TVC of 4.3×104 cfu/g),and had certain advantage over low oxygen MAP and air packaging of the pH,thiobarbituric acid(TBA),whiteness and sensory evaluation during the storage.The shelf life of fish-ball with non oxygen MAP combined withcompound preservatives could be tend up to more than 52 days(with TVC of 0.98×104 cfu/g),and the lipid oxidationdecreased.Thus,it was suggested that the shelf life of the fish-ball during cold storage were well extended undermodified with non oxygen MAP or combined with compound preservatives.

关 键 词: 包装 质量控制 贮藏 鱼糜制品 鱼丸 保鲜 货架期

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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