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Seedless fruits producing with somatic hybrid as male parents

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《广西植物》 2010年第4期534-537,共4页

摘  要: 以3个柑橘异源四倍体体细胞杂种(即四倍体粗柠檬与哈姆林甜橙体细胞杂种,简称"HR";酸柚与粗柠檬体细胞杂种,简称"SR";墨西哥来檬与伏令夏甜橙体细胞杂种,简称"KV")为父本,分别与二倍体单胚性沙田柚进行有性杂交,在生产上获得瘪籽沙田柚果实,并对果实品质进行分析(以四季柚花粉亲本为对照)。结果表明:授予柑橘异源四倍体杂种花粉的果实种子败育十分明显,果实瘪籽率达41.4%~96.0%,与对照间的差异极显著(P<0.01);但果实单果重、果肉重、果皮重、果皮厚和果形指数与对照间无显著性差异(P>0.05);果实可溶性固形物、全糖、Vc和可滴定酸含量与对照也无明显变化,且较适合于瘪籽沙田柚果实生产的体细胞杂种是HR和SR。 Diploid Shatian pummelo was used as the female and crossed with the allotetraploid somatic hybrids(Citrus jambhiri+C.sinensis(HR);C.grandis+Rough lemon(SR);C.aurantifolia+C.sinensis(KV)to generate seedless Shatian pummelo,at the same time,the fruits’qualities were analyzed(using Citrus grandis pollen as the control). Results showed that the seed abortion phenomena were very clear. The rates of deflated fruit seeds of treatments were 41.1%-96.0%,the corresponding value of control was only 2%. There were no significant differences between treatments and control including average fruit weight,pulp weight,pericarp weight,pericarp thickness,fruit shape,percentage of edible and solubility of solid substance,as well as total sugar,Vc and titratable acid content,though some values were lower than those of control. Two suitable allotetraploid somatic hybrids(HR and SR)for seedless fruits producing were selected(the rates of seedless seeds were over 89.1%).

关 键 词: 体细胞杂种 瘪籽沙田柚果实 品质

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 朱永富
作者 章国军
作者 邓祺合
作者 姚方
作者 何雪芳


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学信息学院
机构 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 贵州大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林