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Difference of drivers in cognizing road signs information

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 东南大学交通学院

出  处: 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第4期871-875,共5页

摘  要: 为了提供指路标志信息量合理配置的理论依据,设计了生理反馈试验,对不同特性驾驶员信息判读时的认知机理进行研究.首先获得驾驶员在标志信息判读任务中的反应时间和脑电信号;然后根据不同被试组在试验任务中的反应时间差异判断出最不利被试组;最后根据试验中被试者的脑电信号的近似熵分布结合利用单因素方差分析,探讨不利被试组与其他2组被试的认知差异机理.结果表明:男性新手驾驶员为标志信息搜索试验中最不利被试组,其不同频率的脑电波的近似熵表征与另外2组被试出现显著差异,在复杂任务中其高频脑电波近似熵值下降明显,反映出消极认知心理.根据不同被试者的脑电近似熵分布形态可以判断出4个地名为指路标志最佳信息量分界线. To provide a basis for properly disposing the amount of information of road guide signs,cognition mechanisms of different drivers in cognizing road guide signs tests were studied with physical-feedback tests.Firstly,reaction time and electroencephalography(EEG) signals of drivers in tests were recorded;then,the most unfavorable group of subjects during tests was differentiated by analyzing the difference of reaction time;finally,mechanisms of cognition difference among the most unfavorable group and other two groups were discussed based on the distribution and single factor variance analysis of EEG approximate entropy.The results show that male novice drivers are the most unfavorable subjects in searching information tests.Their characterizations of EEG with different frequencies are remarkably different from the other two groups'.It is also found that the male novices act negatively in complex tests since their values of approximate entropy of high frequency EEG drop distinctly.In accordance with the distribution of different groups' EEG approximate entropy,4 names seem to be the most appropriate ambit of information amount of road signs.

关 键 词: 近似熵 驾驶员特性 标志牌信息判读 生理反馈系统 脑电波

领  域: [交通运输工程]


作者 姚佳岷
作者 翁丽香


机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 广东交通职业技术学院
机构 广州大学


作者 张滨
作者 王丽娟
作者 罗谷松
作者 吴敏
作者 周晓津