机构地区: 广州大学机械与电气工程学院
出 处: 《实验室研究与探索》 2010年第8期29-32,共4页
摘 要: 通过对声压级的若干概念讨论,阐述了声压级的各种计量值以及A计权与线性计权之间的关系,根据讨论设计了一个新的声压级测试实验方案。该方案分为:①从声压级大小与波形的关系体现声压级的有效值、峰值之间的区别和联系;②利用滤波器改变待测信号的幅度频率特性,分别测试其A计权声压级、线性计权声压级以及幅度频率特性。根据声压级的计算公式,利用测试得到线性计权声压级和信号的幅度频率特性计算得A计权声压级,并与测试值对比,结果大致相符。通过实验体现了声压级的丰富内涵,避免了传统声压级测试实验方案的内容单一性。 A new experimental project of sound pressure level measurement was designed by discussion of the concepts of sound pressure level, and the explanations of the measure values, and the relations between A-weighted sound pressure level and linear weighted sound pressure level. This project is divided into two parts: (1)the difference and relationship between virtual value and peak value are expressed by the sound pressure level and the sound wave; (2) the sounds with different spectrum are measured with A-weighted sound pressure level and linear weighted sound pressure level and the spectrum, and then the calculation value of A-weighted sound pressure level is compared with the experiment value. It shows the plentiful meaning of the sound pressure by the experiment project, and avoids the tediousness of the traditional experimental project.
领 域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]