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The Actuality and Protection of Resource Plants in Mekong River Natural Reserve

作  者: ; ; ; ; (谢凤瑞);

机构地区: 云南省临沧市林业局云南临沧677000

出  处: 《山东林业科技》 2010年第4期123-127,共5页

摘  要: 通过对澜沧江自然保护区的考察,报道了保护区资源植物的类别、分布及目前的利用状况。该保护区野生资源植物丰富,计11类约745种。以药用植物种类最多,淀粉植物和竹类植物的资源量最大。特有的种类有粗枝杜鹃Rhododen-dronbasilicum、卵叶韭Alliumovalifolium、尾叶琼楠Beilschmiedialongicaudata、大萼党参Codonopsis macrocalyx和雪山箭竹Fargesialincangensis;稀有的有滇藏木兰Magnoliacampbellii、珠子参Panaxjaponicus var. major、姜状三七P. zingib-erensis和川八角莲Dysosma veitchii;较重要的有云南红豆杉Taxus yunnanensis、七叶一枝花Paris polyphylla var.chinen-sis、云南山茶Camellia reticulata等。周边社区对保护区资源的依赖程度较大,但是多以自家利用为主,形成商品的种类很少。目前受破坏较严重的是云南红豆杉、石斛、大萼党参、龙胆、珠子参、姜状三七、重楼、水青树等,有的种类已经面临枯竭的威胁。要坚决禁止村民到保护区采伐木材、砍柴、剥皮、滥挖根茎类药材等事件发生,并积极倡导和鼓励对上述资源的引种、扩繁和栽培利用,有效保护野生资源。 Through the examination of the Mekong River Natural Reserve, the type of plant resources in protected areas, distribution and utilization of the current situation have been fund. The sanctuary is rich in wildlife resources of plants, name- ly, about 745 species of 11 classes. But in them the spicy of medicinal plants is most and the amount of resources of starch plants and bamboo plants is largest. And there are many specific types of plants there, including Rhododendron basilicum, A1- lium ovalifolium, Beilschmiedia longicaudata, Codonopsis macrocalyx, Fargesia lincangensis. Some rare species of plants, such as Magnolia campbellii, Panax japonicus var. major, P. zingiberensis, Dysosma veitchii also exist there. Besides, the sanctua- ry have some important plants, including Taxus yunnanensis, Paris polyphylla var. chinensis, Camellia reticulata. The people in surrounding communities live there strongly relying on the resources of the protected areas. But the resources are limited to use on their own, and only a little is becoming goods for sale. At present some serious damages are facing on Taxus yunnanen- sis, Dendrobium sp. , Codonopsis macrocalyx, Gentiana sp. , Panax pseudo--ginseng, Panax zingiberensis, Paris verticillata, Tetracentron sinensis and some species are already facing the threat of depletion. Some behaviors of villagers, such as harves- ting of timber, wood cutting, peeling and digging medicinal roots have to be forbidden right now. And at the same time some active measures must be carried on to effectively protect more wild resources, such as encouraging the introduction of re- sources, propagation and cultivation use.

关 键 词: 澜沧江自然保护区 资源植物 利用 保护

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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