机构地区: 湖南城市学院城市建设系
出 处: 《高等建筑教育》 2010年第4期137-140,共4页
摘 要: 针对给水排水工程应用型人才培养的实践教学体系存在的不足,探索依托校企合作构建实践教学体系的新方法。以互惠双赢为原则,促进校企多层面深层次的交流与合作。依托企业开发实践教学资源,更新和丰富实践教学内容,改革实践教学的教学形式、教学手段和教学方法。通过服务企业,稳固合作基础,培养实践教学师资队伍。在服务中开展实践教学,培养学生的实践能力和创新能力,为培养本科应用型人才探索出一套有特色的实践教学体系。 A new method for constructing the practice teaching system of water and waste water engineering is developed based on college-enterprise cooperation,to overcome shortage in the practice teaching system.To the principle of mutual benefit,Multi-dimensional and in-depth exchanges and cooperation between the college and enterprise was promoted.Resources of practice teaching were developed,the content was updated and enriched,Form and methods of practice teaching was reformed depended on enterprise.Teachers of practice teaching were trained and a solid foundation for cooperation was strengthened through service companies.Practical an innovation ability of undergraduates at applications oriented engineering institutes were trained in practice teaching at enterprises.A set of distinctive practice teaching system of water and waste water engineering was constructed depended on college-enterprise cooperation.