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Effect of Planting Density and Cutting Frequency on Biomass Yield and Quality of Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 甘肃农业大学草业学院

出  处: 《草地学报》 2010年第4期589-593,共5页

摘  要: 于2009年4-10月在河北邯郸采用大田试验种植杂交狼尾草(Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum)种茎,研究不同种植密度(6944,13889,27778株.hm-2)和不同刈割频率(2、4、6次.年-1)对其生长及产量的影响,为杂交狼尾草在某些生态条件下的高产栽培提供理论依据。结果表明:当密度为13889株.hm-2时,产量最大,茎叶比也最大,粗蛋白含量随种植密度增加而呈下降趋势;当一年刈割2次时,鲜草产量最高;而刈割次数越多,茎叶比越小,鲜干比越大,粗蛋白含量越高,中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)越低,品质则越好;当种植密度为13889株.hm-2、刈割2次时,鲜草产量最高,达198.10 t.hm-2;当种植密度为27778株.hm-2、刈割6次时,粗蛋白含量最高,达到17.88%。综合分析,杂交狼尾草要达到高产高品质,研究地区适宜种植杂交狼尾草的密度为13889株.hm-2,适宜刈割频率为4次.年-1。 In order to provide the theoretic cultivation basis for higher yield of Pennisetum americanum ×P. purpureum under certain ecological conditions, a field experiment was conducted with 3 planting densities and 3 cutting frequencies to study the their effects on the growth characteristics and biomass quality of P. americanum×purpureum in Handan, Hanbei Province during April to November, 2009. The results show that the biomass yield and stem to leaf ratio were the highest under the planting density of 13889 individual plants per hm^2; the crude protein content decreased along with the increasing planting density. The fresh yield was the highest when cutting twice a year. Biomass quality was positively correlated to the cutting times with lower stem to leaf ratio, higher fresh to dry ratio, higher crude protein content, and lower contents of NDF and ADF. The fresh yield was the highest at 198. 10 t·hm^-2 with the planting density of 13889 individual plants per hm^2 and cutting twice a year. The biomass crude protein content was highest at 17.88% with the planting density of 27778 individual plants per hm^2 and cutting six times a year. In summary, for the purpose of higher yield and higher biomass quality, the suitable planting density and cutting frequency of P. americanum× purpureum increasing should be 13889 individual plants per hm^2 and cutting four times a year, respectively, for the studied areas.

关 键 词: 杂交狼尾草 密度 刈割频率 生长 产量 品质

领  域: [生物学]




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