机构地区: 东莞理工学院
出 处: 《涂料工业》 1999年第6期12-14,共3页
摘 要: 以环氧树脂作为成膜物,玻璃鳞片作为骨料,配用各种助剂,研制成厚浆型环氧玻璃鳞片重防腐涂料,适用于苛刻环境的防腐。介绍了该涂料的配方、生产工艺、性能指标和施工方法。 A high build glass flake epoxy heavy-duty corrosion protection coatings,based on epoxy resin as film-former and glass flake as filler,mixed with various additives,has been prepared,which is applied for corrosion protection in severe conditionsThe formulation,production technology,properties,specification and application methods were given
领 域: [化学工程]