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Application of hierarchial management in emergency nursing

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 深圳市中医院

出  处: 《护理管理杂志》 2010年第8期603-604,共2页

摘  要: 目的探讨分层级管理模式在急诊护理管理工作中的应用效果。方法将急诊科护理人员设为护士长-责任组长-责任护士-助理护士4个层次的行政管理架构,制订并落实分层级培训计划,合理安排人力,辅以不同层级奖金激励机制。结果实施后夜间繁忙时间段护士人数较前增加,医生、患者对护理工作满意度、护士对自身工作认可度、护理质量均提高(P<0.05)。结论分层级管理模式得到医生、护士的认可,提高了患者满意度,保证了护理质量。 Objective To explore the effect of the application of hierarchial management in emergency nursing. Methods The nurses of emergency departments were divided into four levels:head nurse,responsibility leader,liability nurse,and assistant nurse. The hierarchial training program was developed and implemented. Then the human resources were arranged reasonably, supplemented with different levels of bonus and incentives. Results The number of nurses at peak time of night was increased. The satisfaction of doctors and patients with nursing work, the job recognition of nurses themselves, and nursing quality were significantly improved (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion The pattern of hierarchial management is recognized by doctors and nurses, and increase the satisfaction of patients, and assure the nursing quality.

关 键 词: 分层级管理 急诊 护理

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 吴建珍
作者 徐玲丽
作者 潘伟增
作者 黄子真
作者 潘映霞


机构 南方医科大学护理学院
机构 广州中医药大学
机构 广州中医药大学护理学院
机构 清远职业技术学院
机构 南方医科大学


作者 张书军
作者 张建梅
作者 张恩施
作者 彭劲松
作者 徐来