作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学华软软件学院软件工程系
出 处: 《计算机工程与应用》 2010年第24期69-72,共4页
摘 要: 高校的选课制有利于复合型人才的培养,这也增加了考试安排的难度。自动排考算法根据学生的选课记录,通过计算课程关系矩阵,保证考试课程无冲突,采用启发式搜索策略,能够求得考试总场次最少的可行解,若要进行连场考试,还能给出多个场次的最佳排列方案,实现连考人次最少的目标。实践证明这种算法是快速、有效的,能够满足普通高校的排考要求。 Course-selecting system helps to cultivate all-round talents,which brings difficulty in handling exam-arrangement.Based on course-selecting information,the algorithm of automatic exam-arrangement avoids exams collision by courses-relationship matrix calculation,and achieves feasible solutions to the minimum number of exams by adopting heuristic search strategy.It also gets the best ranking scheme in multi-exams to make the minimum number of person times if successive exams are carried out.The result shows that it meets the requirement of exam-arrangement in universities with its rapidness and efficiency.
关 键 词: 选课制 自动排考算法 启发式搜索策略 总场次 连考人次
领 域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]